Fight for the Wild

New Zealand has lost countless species over generations. Can the notion of a Predator Free 2050 in Aotearoa turn the page and save our wild?

Written and presented by Dave Hansford

An aerial view of a dense, green forest with a stream running through it. The title "Fight for the wild" is written in large, white, hand-lettered script across the top left.

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Podcast details.


Dave Hansford

Writer and Presenter
Peter Young
Series Producer
Bleddyn Parry
Editing and Sound Design
Chris Sinclair
Audio Post Production
Allison Ballance
Executive Producer
Tim Watkin
Executive Producer
Kay Ellmers
RNZ Commissioning
Tim Burnell
RNZ Commissioning

Made with the support of:

Made possible by the

Logo reads "Irirangi Te Motu, NZ On Air, RNZ Innovation Fund"

Produced for RNZ by

Logo reads "Fisheye Films NZ"


2022 NZ TV Awards

Best Factual Series

2021 AIBs

Best Natural World

2021 NZ Podcast Awards

Best Science & Environment - Bronze

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