Go Ahead Caller

Talk radio's Ken Oath, his callers and a cast of well-known Kiwi characters will have you rolling in the aisles.

Produced by Paul Casserly and Jodie Molloy

A close-up of a man's surprised face against a blue background, with the title "Go Ahead Caller" in bold yellow letters across the top.

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All episodes:

Israel Folau

Season 10 / Episode 1
Ken speaks out in support of the prominent rugby player who is deeply concerned about saving particular kinds of people from eternal damnation.
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Rumour Rid

Season 10 / Episode 2
Euthanasia, appropriation of the rainbow and help in combatting rumour-mongering.
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Winston calls Helen

Season 10 / Episode 3
Acting PM in waiting seeks help from Helen. Ken scrapes the bottom with the dunny-roll talkback chestnut.
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Duncan Garner Explodes

Season 10 / Episode 4
Duncan gets over-excited, Trump pulls out and something wicked this way comes.
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M Bovis

Season 10 / Episode 5
M bovis reaches The Beehive. Ken apologises on air for his misinterpretation of some signage.
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