Smart Talk

A wide variety of conversations with expert guests recorded in front of audiences around Aotearoa.

Various RNZ presenters talk to smart people about their big ideas.

A podcast cover for "Smart Talk" with a black and white picture in the background featuring a lot of people sitting in a room and listening to someone.

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All episodes:

Dame Fiona Kidman talks about reading in the 2022 Read NZ Te Pou Muramura Pānui

The 2022 Read NZ Te Pou Muramura Panui features the eminent writer Dame Fiona Kidman talking about her life as a reader and writer.
Dame Fiona Kidman

Dr Melani Anae looks at what the Polynesian Panthers protest group achieved

Fifty years ago, the Polynesian Panthers Party led a revolution against what it argued was the rampant racism of 1970s Aotearoa. Dr Melani Anae explores its impact.
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Auckland University astrophysicist Jan Eldridge explains how dying stars have created the building blocks for life on Earth

By looking to the stars we can understand where we came from and how we came to be. Dr Jan Eldridge explains how the different death throes of stars create what's needed for life.
Jan Eldridge in star-patterned dress in front of image of galaxies

Law lecturer Dr Guy Fiti Sinclair analyses different theories about who rules the world

Conspiracists often claim that a shadowy cabal is in control of the world. But is it actually corporations? Nation states? Markets? Or no-one in particular? Dr Guy Fiti Sinclair explores the options.
raised fist in black and white

Dr Anna Brooks on the looming crisis of Long Covid

The term 'Long Covid' was coined in May 2020 but the virus became a pandemic before the most common post-viral condition was taken seriously. Dr Anna Brooks explores what we now know about it.
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Dr Angus Campbell on the pitfalls of design dominated by data

The perils of data-driven design are explored by Dr Angus Campbell. (A highlight of Auckland University's Raising the Bar talk series)
A range of colour samples

Dr Kiri Dell on what Māori and Pākehā need to consider in their te reo Māori journey

Dr Kiri Dell from Auckland University's Business School explores what Maori and Pakeha need to consider for the journey towards revitalisation of te reo Maori to become a reality. A highlight of the 2022 Raising the Bar season..
Kiri Dell

Architectural lecturer Julie Stout explores how Auckland’s urban design could get better

Julie Stout describes how Auckland could connect in the future to the wairua and cultures that make up Tamaki Makaurau. One of the highlights of Auckland University's Raising the Bar 2022.
Emma Stewart, a fourth-year student at Auckland University's School of Architecture and Planning, has re-imagined Queens Wharf once sea level rise has wiped out the old concrete wharf. She has created a new urban landscape and marae atea space between the city and the harbour. A place to welcome, hold festivals, tell stories.

Assoc. Prof Peter Saxton on whether it’s possible to keep the supply of blood safe without excluding men who have sex with men

Community health expert Dr Peter Saxton explores the balancing act of keeping New Zealand's blood supply safe from infectious diseases while ensuring we have enough donors and can uphold our values as a progressive, inclusive nation. (A highlight from the University of Auckland's Raising the Bar series)
Blood donor at donation

Why are the shelves bare? Prof. Tava Olsen looks at what’s going on with the world’s supply chains

What's with all the stockouts and empty shelves? Dr Tava Olsen from the University of Auckland Business School with a highlight of Raising the Bar 2022.
Container ship

Charlotte Yates explores turning poetry into music at the 2021 Going West Literary Festival

Charlotte Yates explores the history of her series of musical collaborations between contemporary composers and the work of New Zealand's finest writers at the 2021 Going West Festival.
Charlotte Yates on stage.

Karlo Mila and Daren Kamali perform a rich selection of their poetry at the 2021 Going West Literary Festival

Tongan, Samoan and Palagi poet Karlo Mila reads from her book The Goddess Muscle and Fijian poet Daren Kamali performs his poetry and accompanies himself on traditional Fijian musical instruments.
Karla Milo and Daren Kamali

A Clear Dawn: New Asian Voices from Aotearoa New Zealand discussed at the Verb Readers and Writers Festival 2021

A Clear Dawn: New Asian Voices from Aotearoa New Zealand introduces three new literary voices exploring Asian experiences and identities in Aotearoa. A highlight of Verb Wellington 2021.
Writers Rupa Maitra, Mikee Sto Domingo and Rose Lu

Kyle Mewburn discusses her memoir Faking It at the Verb Readers and Writers Festival 2021

Well-known children's author Kyle Mewburn talks with Jane Arthur about her life, which has recently changed radically. (A highlight from the 2021 Verb Readers and Writers Festival in Wellington)
Kyle Mewburn post-transition

Clare Moleta discusses her novel Unsheltered at the Verb Readers and Writers Festival 2021

Unsheltered is the riveting story of one mother's search for her child across a climate-ravaged continent in a dystopian future. Clare Moleta talks with Pip Adam about her inspirations.
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