Suzy & Friends

Join Suzy & Friends for a weekly slice of a Kiwi kid’s life! Kids share their thoughts, talents, and tales; and hosts Suzy Cato and Trevor Plant share songs, stories, and silliness.

Presented by Suzy Cato and Trevor Plant

A cheerful woman (Suzy Cato) smiles at the viewer wearing glasses and an orange top. Text reads "Suzy and friends" and has a smile shape underneath.

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Knock, knock. Who's there? Bee. Bee who?

Bee careful! Tyla reads her story about rescuing a bee. Faith, Kovee, & Nathan have a triple treat of jokes, Suzy has ‘Cool to Kōrero’, and there’s a crisis at the zoo -- time to call the Little Yellow Digger!
A group of hippopotamuses on a bright yellow background. Text reads "featuring The Little Yellow Digger at the Zoo"

Diggers, Pirates, and Brains! Oh my!

We begin reading one of Aotearoa’s most muddy book series, starting with the original Little Yellow Digger by Betty Gilderdale. Young Emily talks about the book The Rhyming Pirate, and Suzy has Fun Facts about Brains.
A cartoon yellow digger with a driver on a bright purple background. Text reads "featuring The Little Yellow Digger"

Episode 30

There are jokes from a trio of young comedians, Evie talks about the book Bumblebee, and Suzy reads the story That's Not Junk by Kiwi author Nicki Slade Robinson.
Bright yellow background. An illustration of 3 children and a dog in a messy pile with an old chair, broken cupboard, old paint cans, part of a broom, and a bit of corrugated iron.
Purple text reads “Featuring That's Not Junk By Nikki Slade-Robinson”

Episode 29

Learn a new phrase with our Cool to Kōrero segment, listen to Suzy read The Grandmothers of Pikitea Street, and find out about toys that were invented by accident.
Purple background. Illustration of 3 grandmothers (European, Indian and Chinese). 3 grandkids are in the background.
Bright yellow text reads: “Featuring The Grandmothers of Pikitea Street By Renisa Viraj Maki Illustrated by Nikki Slade Robinson”

Episode 28

We challenge you to play our game with no prize, What's That Sound? Suzy reads the story The Messy-O-Saurus. There are jokes about undies, trunks, and vests with Tom E. Moffatt.
Yellow background. Cartoon illustration of a man with a beard, orange t-shirt with the letter T on it. He is holding a pencil and waving hello.
The purple text reads "Featuring Tom E Moffat” 

Episode 27

See if you can solve this week's Brain Teaser, check out Fun Facts about noises, and listen to Suzy read the book The Chillout Chair by Jo Carson-Barr.
Purple background with illustration of a young angry looking child sitting on an iceberg carved into a chair. His face looks angry, his fists are balled up and there is fire coming off his head.The yellow text reads “Featuring The Chill Out Chair By Josephine Carson-Barr Illustrated by Simon Barr”

Episode 26

Suzy reads Hickory Dickory Kick by Peter Millet. Kids Cody, Emma, and Harris tell their favourite jokes. Young Pryce talks about The Awhi Warrior.
Yellow background. A cartoon illustration of an older man in black shorts and black t-shirt kicking a rugby ball. He looks happy.
Purple text reads "Featuring Hickory Dickory Kick By Peter Millet Illustrated by Bob Darroch”

Episode 25

Tom E. Moffatt, who writes fun stories for kids, visits with some jokes. Liam talks about Goat on a Trampoline. Suzy reads the story It's Time to Go by New Zealand author Carol Duffy.
Suzy & Friends - Episode 25 thumbnail ("Kids Just Like You")

Episode 24

This week, Ethan talks about a book he’s just read, seven-year-old Devan reads her story My Most Loved Soft Toy, and Bryan and Bobby visit a farm.
Photograph of Bryan (male adult) and Bobby (realistic large dog puppet) on a quad bike with hay.
Text reads   "Bryan and Bobby Part 5”

Episode 23

Nine-year-old Matilda reviews the book Ming’s Iceberg, Constable Bryan and his police dog Bobby tell us how to keep warm in winter, and we learn a new te reo phrase in ‘Cool to Kōrero.’
Photograph of Bryan (male adult) and Bobby (realistic large dog puppet) in a kitchen. 
Text reads   "Bryan and Bobby Part 4”

Episode 22

We ask kids Chloe, Devon, Shania, and Sarah, "What makes a good story?" There’s a triple treat of jokes, and ten-year-old Nina tells us what she thought of a book she’s just read called Out in the Moana.
Photograph of Bryan (male adult) in a hi-vis vest talking to school children. 
Text reads   "Bryan and Bobby Part 3”

Episode 21

Constable Bryan and his police dog Bobby have a story about how to stay safe in a flood, young Meg reads her story My Pet Dinosaur, and you can play the world-famous-in-New-Zealand game ‘What’s That Sound?’
Photograph of Bryan (male adult) and Bobby (realistic large dog puppet) in a small boat which is still in its trailer on the grass
Text reads   "Bryan and Bobby Part 2”

Episode 20

This week, we celebrate Matariki, the Māori New Year. Suzy reads the story Colour the Stars, and young Sisi talks about the book Flit the Fantail & the Matariki Map.
Illustration of two children, both boys. Thy are close friends. One is blind and the other is reaching their arms up to the sky. He is talking and describing to his blind friend. The text reads: "Featuring Colour the Stars, Taea ngā Whetū By Dawn McMillan, Ngaere Roberts"

Episode 19

Two seven-year-olds, Charlotte and Jackson, chat about friendship; young Millie talks about the book Dougal the Dancing Kakapō; and Police Constable Bryan and his trainee police dog Bobby have a story about winter colds and sniffles.
Photograph of Bryan (male adult) lying down on a couch with his eyes closed and Bobby (realistic large dog puppet) looking out towards viewer.
Text reads  "Bryan and Bobby Part 1”

Episode 18

It's the final of our time-travel series as Ali & Gab meet adventurous aviator Jean Batten, Joshua reviews a book that features a funny bunny, and Alissa plays the game 'Seven Questions'!
A cartoon boy and girl sit with their faces away from the viewer discussing something. Text reads "Ali & Gab Part 6: Jean Batten"

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