Your Money With Mary Holm

Investment author and columnist Mary Holm talks to Jesse Mulligan every fortnight about her top tips for how to make your money work.

Presented by Mary Holm

Your Money with Mary Holm title with image of Mary Holm.

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Your Money with Mary Holm

Today Mary Holm wraps up the big financial issues that have been around in 2023.

Your Money with Mary Holm

Today Mary talks to Jesse about repaying debt and why wealth is a bit like a tank full of water. She's also urging people to avoid running up high-interest debt over the Christmas season.

Your Money with Mary Holm

Today Mary talks to Jesse about which Kiwisaver providers are the best - and worst - at offering various services to their members. She also looks at some of the services that listeners might not be aware you can get from some providers, and naming them.

Your Money with Mary Holm

Today Mary has a close look at investing in shares both in Aotearoa and overseas. She's collated some interesting numbers about how the different stocks have fared over the past five decades.
Stock / market generic.

Your Money with Mary Holm

This week Mary talk to Jesse about getting smarter with Kiwisaver choices and overall trends for funds.
Roy Irwin on the front of the King Of Pop album cover.

Your Money with Mary Holm

This week Mary Holm is back to talk about the pros and cons of being either a regular or casual investor.

Your Money with Mary Holm

This week Mary Holm is back to talk about ways to boost your savings. It's insights she included in her book Rich Enough. She recommends setting goals that are SMART: specific, measurable, achievable (w)ritten and time-bound. She also talks about having small rewards when you reach milestones.
Mary Holm

Your Money with Mary Holm

Today Mary talks to Jesse about how much insurance we should have, especially with premiums on the rise at the same time there appears to be more climate related damaged being caused.

Your Money with Mary Holm

Today Mary talks to Jesse about whether house prices are still too high and that buyers may have to adjust their expectations.

Your Money with Mary Holm

Today Mary Holm looks at options for people who are struggling to pay the never ending increasing rates bills. She explains there are rebates for people on low incomes and the option to postpone payments until after you die.
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Your Money with Mary Holm

Today Mary talks to Jesse about a question sent in by a listener who is over 65 on what to do with money they don't need to access right now. Mary talks about the options of Kiwisaver or term deposits and the pros and cons of both.

Your Money with Mary Holm

Today Mary talks about options with mortgage repayments and options when you need to renew at a higher interest rate.

Your Money with Mary Holm

Today Mary talks to Jesse about important information in your annual KiwiSaver statement and how to improve it next time.
Te Ara Ahunga Ora Retirement Commission's projections of retirement savings for men and women demonstrates the gender pension gap in retirement savings and retirement savings projections by age 65.

Your Money with Mary Holm

Today Mary talks to Jesse about how it's OK to give up on ever owning a home and how it can work to be a long-term renter.

Your Money with Mary Holm

Today Mary talks to Jesse about children and Kiwisaver a way to get them started early and potentially set up with a 33 thousand dollar home deposit by the time they turn 18.