Are We There Yet?

Parenting is tough. Katy Gosset and psychologist Catherine Gallagher help you navigate the highs and lows of raising great kids today.

Presented by Katy Gosset

A podcast cover for "Are we there yet?" With a colourful illustration featuring a family in one corner, a boy in the opposite corner and a girl below.

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All episodes:

Worrying times

Season 2 / Episode 1
Anxiety can silence many children and, as the anxiety gets bigger, people's lives get smaller. Katy Gosset looks at how to help kids face their worries head on.
45247047 - sad teenager near the brick wall of the old house

Diary of a socially anxious kid

Season 2 / Episode 2
Most kids just want to fit in but many feel thwarted by social anxiety. Katy Gosset talks to parents and a clinical psychologist about how children can navigate social interactions.
A photo of a sad looking teenage girl in the foreground. Behind her is a group of other girls talking

It's the wee things: advice on toilet training

Season 2 / Episode 3
Ah, toileting training. It has to be done but sometimes it can feel like it will never end. Katy Gosset looks at when to do it, how to do it and why it can seem like everyone else is doing it better.
A little boy sitting on the potty by his cot

Making a change: advice on raising a transgender child

Season 2 / Episode 4
Facing puberty, fitting in at school. It can be hard work for kids. But it's harder still for children who feel they're in the wrong body. Katy Gosset looks at raising a transgender child.
A closeup photo of transgender boy with slightly different background

Stopping the spats: tackling sibling rivalry

Season 2 / Episode 5
Why do my children keep fighting? Katy Gosset looks at all the conflict, competition and general chaos that ensue when kids live under the same roof.
A photo of two brothers having a pillow fight and laughing

Blended, not stirred: making step families work

Season 2 / Episode 6
One family sharing a bathroom can be hard enough. What about a blended family with all its new step siblings, dramas and dynamics? Katy Gosset looks at how to get the right blend.
A photo of happy brothers and sisters  raising arms in the park

Why lie? Parenting advice on how to stop kids fibbing

Season 2 / Episode 7
When kids start lying parents start to worry. But how concerned should we be? Katy Gosset tries to get to the truth about what's happening when kids tell fibs.
A photo of two girls sitting on the couch and looking chastened after a lecture from their mother

How to teach children about death and grieving

Season 2 / Episode 8
Eventually all children will encounter grief when someone close to them dies. Katy Gosset asks: What can parents do to help them through it?
49451379 - A photo of a sad son hugging his mother at home. concept of couple family is in sorrow.

Advice on parenting with a disability

Season 2 / Episode 9
Raising kids can be crazy enough. For parents with a disability, it calls for creative thinking and problem solving on a whole new level. Katy Gosset looks at how to tackle the tricky bits.
A photo of a disabled man in wheelchair with his family in front of white background

Raising a Child with a Disability

Season 2 / Episode 10
Raising a disabled child can challenge your expectations but it brings huge rewards and insights. Katy Gosset looks at how to get the best help for you and your child.
Close up of girl beign cuddled against her mother's hip

Teaching children to cope with failure and frustration

Season 2 / Episode 11
Life doesn't always go to plan. Kids will sometimes fail and feel frustrated. Katy Gosset looks at how we can build resilience in our children.
A photo of a Preschooler falling over while rollerblading with mother in the park.

Adopting a child in New Zealand

Season 2 / Episode 12
It's not as simple to adopt as it used to be but RNZ's Katy Gosset finds that for the lucky few, the rewards are worth waiting for.
Couple at home with new baby

Helping young people navigate the online world

Season 2 / Episode 13
We used to have just one home 'phone, one TV and maybe one computer, now kids can connect with other people anywhere, from anywhere and anytime. Katy Gosset asks: how do we help them navigate all that?
primary education, friendship, childhood, technology and people concept - group of happy elementary school students with smartphones and backpacks sitting on bench outdoors

How to discuss gender with kids

Season 2 / Episode 14
Why do girls' t-shirts say "princess" and "pretty" while boys get "wild" or "adventure"? Katy Gosset looks at gender, how it's presented to our kids and how we can encourage them to think differently.
Kids Superheroes Fun Costumes Play Concept

Teaching tidiness to kids

Season 2 / Episode 15
Why are kids so messy? Is it nature or nurture? And is there any way to make them pick up clothes? Katy Gosset considers how to cultivate the clean gene.
Mother is cleaning mess after her daughters played

New series coming soon!

Katy Gosset is back - with psychologist Catherine Gallagher and a bunch of parents - to give us hope as we deal with our kids. New episodes here from Thursday 12 April
45835225 - sad girl looks at here fighting parents at home before bedtime.concept photo of child, childhood, family, problems, divorce ,abuse, violence.