Are We There Yet?

Parenting is tough. Katy Gosset and psychologist Catherine Gallagher help you navigate the highs and lows of raising great kids today.

Presented by Katy Gosset

A podcast cover for "Are we there yet?" With a colourful illustration featuring a family in one corner, a boy in the opposite corner and a girl below.

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All episodes:

How to talk to children about the March 15 mosque killings

Season 3 / Episode 1
Following the attacks, parents - who are probably distressed themselves - face the challenge of explaining to kids what happened and why. Katy Gosset looks at what they've been saying.
A mother talking to her daughter.

Talking to children about the mosque terror attacks - part two

Season 3 / Episode 2
After the mosque attacks, questions still linger for many children. Katy Gosset asks: how can we help kids who are struggling, and find ways to discuss both racism and other cultures with them?
Young arab girl with hijab doing exercise with her bestfriend at international school. Asian muslim school girl sitting near her classmate during lesson. Multiethnic elementary students in classroom.

How to help children manage online gaming

Season 3 / Episode 3
Online games pull children into a world of bright seductive images and casual violence. Parents can worry that poor social skills or addiction may follow. Katy Gosset asks: how concerned should we be?
A photo of a boy with a Joystick Engrossed In Playing Videogames in a  darkened room at home

Helping kids to navigate childhood fears

Season 3 / Episode 4
Adults can brush off monsters and burglars as the natural anxieties of childhood but for kids the fear is very real. Katy Gosset looks at which worries crop up when and how we can help.
A photo of a girl of 4 years at night time who looks afraid to go to sleep

How to manage tantrums and meltdowns

Season 3 / Episode 5
Whatever you want to call it, the rage of toddlers (and sometimes older kids) is hard to handle. Katy Gosset looks at why tantrums happen and how we can teach children to manage their emotions.
A photo of a small boy having a tantrum at bedtime in his cot

Teaching kids to understand disparities in wealth

Season 3 / Episode 6
Why do some kids get an iphone 10 while others get a no-frills hand me down ? We teach our children that they can do or have anything but sometimes the parental purse says otherwise. Katy Gosset looks at how to help kids navigate financial disparities.
A photo of a little boy making stack of coins, counting money at table. Learning financial responsibility and planning savings concept.

Why parents lose the plot and how we can stop doing it

Season 3 / Episode 7
When parents lose the plot ! Most of us can think of times when we've shouted at our child, ranted and potentially failed as 'Parent of the Year' contestants. Katy Gosset looks at why we lose our rag and what we can do to prevent it
A photo of a mother pulling headphones off her teenage daughterwho is not listening to her

How and when to talk to kids about pornography

Season 3 / Episode 8
Porn is everywhere and very available. You can bet your child has come across it somewhere online - or will soon. Katy Gosset asks: how do we work through our own awkwardness and start conversations about it with our kids?
A photo of a Curious interested kid boy secretly looking watching forbidden censored adult only internet online video content on laptop alone, parental protection, computer control and security for child concept

How to talk to children about Covid-19

Season 3 / Episode 9
How are New Zealanders coping with the Covid-19 lockdown? Who better to ask than frazzled parents who are juggling kids, school work and jobs ? Katy Gosset looks at family life under lockdown.
A photo of an emotional tired mother putting toys in basket while naughty kids fighting with pillows

Helping children cope with the ongoing impact of the Canterbury earthquakes

Season 3 / Episode 10
How do you help children cope with a life-threatening incident? And what if you're stressed yourself? Katy Gosset looks at the far reaching emotional effects of the Canterbury earthquakes.
Mother Comforting Teenage Daughter Sitting On Sofa At Home

How to make sure we treat our children fairly

Season 3 / Episode 11
"It's not fair!" Kids say it. We deny it. But how do we actually teach our children about fairness. And should life even be fair ? Katy Gosset looks at one of parenting's prickly issues.
Photo of an upset boy sitting on floor while parents enjoying with sister on sofa at home

Teaching children to do chores

Season 3 / Episode 12
How do we get children to help out around the house without asking them 100 times? Or do we just give in and end up being a slave to our kids. Katy Gosset looks at whether there's a better way.
A photo of a very cute girl wiping the dishes in the kitchen

How to build up confidence in children

Season 3 / Episode 13
Where does self-confidence come from ? Some children are bursting with it while an absence of it holds others back. Katy Gosset finds confidence is a learned behaviour that any of us can tap into.
A photo of teenage athletes preparing to start running on the track on the stadium, side view

What to do when your children swear

Season 3 / Episode 14
Whether it's potty talk or the f-bomb, kids will eventually say something offensive. How do we decide what's unacceptable and what to let slide? Katy Gosset looks at swearing and its subtleties.
A photo of serious parents berating their teenage son at home

How to give your children more freedom as they get older

Season 3 / Episode 15
Our children are growing up and venturing out into the big wide world on their own or with friends. Katy Gosset looks at how we manage our own anxiety and let our children spread their wings.
Young boy greets as he leaves home to go to school New day of ordinary life

How to talk to children about Cyclone Gabrielle

Season 3 / Episode 16
In the wake of Cyclone Gabrielle, many parents are facing a loss of home or livelihood or, at the every least, a massive cleanup. So what do you say to children about all of this ? Katy Gosset takes a look at how to calm their fears.
A photo of a mother comforting a small boy who looks distressed