Russell Brown uncovers the way drugs have become a part of nearly all our lives, from over the counter opium to energy drinks and designer drugs.

Presented and produced by Russell Brown

A light green textured background featuring the words 'FROM ZERO' in white capital letters. Scattered around the text are colourful circular shapes with imprints, including smiley faces and hearts. The shapes are in various colours such as pink, white, green, teal, and orange.

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All episodes:

How Did We Get Here?

Episode 1
New Zealand's history with illicit drugs is short but lively. Māori were one of the few societies to have no use for intoxicants - so how did we go from zero to having some of the highest rates of illicit drug use in the world?
An image of a small jar of heroin, available for commercial sale.

Why Is Weed So Popular In New Zealand?

Episode 2
Marijuana is by far the most commonly-used illicit drug in New Zealand. Nearly half of all adults say they've tried it and a recent poll found that nearly two thirds of us favour decriminalisation or legalisation. And yet our laws remain harsher than many other Western countries. Why is weed so popular here, what are the impacts and can we ever agree on a way forward?

Drugs in Popular Culture

Episode 3
It's OK to depict drug-taking on TV or slip cocaine references into songs, but publishing the wrong kind of gardening tips can still get you into trouble with the censors.
The Clean - Boodle Boodle Boodle

A New P Epidemic?

Episode 4
We look at where New Zealand is at now with a drug that is rarely out of the headlines: methamphetamine, or P. Are we seeing a new epidemic of use? If so, why? And is the current situation so acute that it's driving a real change in the approach of the police and other agencies?

The Business of Drugs

Episode 5
A lot of money is being made from selling illegal drugs in this country. Who's making it, who's taking all the risk and what are the factors that decide what drugs YOU might be taking?
no caption

Partying Hard

Episode 6
Politicians and police agree that drug-checking at music festivals is probably a good idea. So why is it still illegal?
An image of drug-checking reagents.

Where Are We?

Episode 7
Everyone seems to agree that our drug laws are no longer fit for purpose. So what are we doing about it?
A view of the Sphere Within Sphere sculpture outside the UN General Headquarters in NYC.

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