Party People

Rowdier than the debating chamber at question time, Party People places a Māori lens on politics, politicians and their parties.

Presented by Mihingarangi Forbes, Shane Te Pou and Tau Henare

The Māori flag flies over a black and white parliament grounds. Text reads "Party People"

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All episodes:

9th November 2021

Season 2 / Episode 1
Party People returns with a deep dive into the government's Delta response and Mihingarangi, Tau and Shane dip their toes into the Three Waters reform.
The Party People Team. From Left - Tau Henare, Shane Te Pou & Mihingarangi Forbes

16th November 2021

Season 2 / Episode 2
Tau, Shane and Mihingarangi debate the latest political polls, delta decisions and housing intensification.
Party People

23rd November 2021

Season 2 / Episode 3
101 days into lockdown our Party People share their views on the latest covid developments, the National Party leadership and the wāhine Māori taking a run at the Wellington Mayoralty.
Party People

National Party bust-up: 26th November 2021

Bonus episode
Burning down the house! In this special episode, Party People delves into the National Party leadership bust up and discuss the possible contenders.
Shane Te Pou, Mihingarangi Forbes and Tau Henare gather for a special episode of Party People to discuss the National Party bust up

30th November 2021

Season 2 / Episode 4
Party People evaluates the new National Party leader. Discuss Nanaia Mahuta's performance as Minister of Foreign Affairs, and talk over the move to the Traffic Light system.
Party People

7th December 2021

Season 2 / Episode 5
Mihingarangi, Tau and Shane discuss the urgent Covid hearing before the Waitangi Tribunal, Luxon's new lineup and how the minor parties have performed during 2021.
Party People

14th December 2021

Season 2 / Episode 6
Party People discusses the stories making headlines over the last week and names their top political performers during 2021.
Party People

8th February 2022

Season 2 / Episode 7
Party People reconvenes for the first episode of 2022 recorded in a special Omicron bunker. The team discusses Waitangi Day, the latest poll results and the proposal to raise the retirement age. Then, Tau and Shane place their bets on the Auckland Mayoralty race.
Party People

22nd February 2022

Season 2 / Episode 8
In a fiery episode of Party People Mihingarangi Forbes, Shane Te Pou and Tau Henare debate the ins and outs of the anti-mandate occupation that's taken over Parliament grounds.
Contains strong language.
Party People

8th March 2022

Season 2 / Episode 9
Party People analyses the winners and losers of Christopher Luxon's planned tax cuts, we look at the Commerce Commission's final report on supermarkets and debate the fallout over the Parliament grounds occupation.
Contains strong language.
Party People

22nd March 2022

Season 2 / Episode 10
Party People reflects on the legacy of Sir Wira Gardiner, we analyse The Hui Horizon Research poll of Māori voters, Tau and Shane debate the Māori Party's call to remove GST on kai, the Tauranga by-election and the new History Curriculum.
Contains strong language.
Party People

5th April 2022

Season 2 / Episode 11
Party People discusses the passing of Dr Moana Jackson and Dame June Jackson, Tau and Shane analyse National leader Christopher Luxon's position regarding the Māori Health Authority, and we say haere rā to Labour MP Louisa Wall.
Contains strong language.
Party People

20th April 2022

Season 2 / Episode 12
Bathing in the amber glow of the Orange Traffic Light Setting, Party People discusses all the latest in politics including Oranga Tamariki, Police Minister Poto Williams, Ukraine; Louisa Wall and He Puapua.
Contains strong language.
Party People

17th May 2022

Season 2 / Episode 13
Simon Bridges joins the party to discuss life after politics, the latest polls, co-governance, ram raids and the Australian elections.
Contains strong language.
Episode image

31st May 2022

Season 2 / Episode 14
Mihingarangi and Shane Te Pou are joined by former National MP for Northcote Dan Bidois to discuss the budget, the PM's trip to the US, and the passing of Joe Hawke.
Contains strong language.
Episode image

14th June 2022

Season 2 / Episode 15
Party People discusses the new Cabinet shake up, National's gangs policy and the Māori Electoral Option Bill. Featuring Dan Bidois, Shane Te Pou and Mihingarangi Forbes.
Party People Season 2

28th June 2022

Season 2 / Episode 16
Party People celebrate Matariki with a twinkling of insight into what the public holiday means for Aotearoa and Roe V Wade; a case protecting access to abortion in America but has been felt globally by women.
Party People Season 2 BANNER

12th July 2022

Season 2 / Episode 17
Two Shanes in a pod: Shane Te Pou and Mihingarangi are joined by former Labour Party/New Zealand First MP Shane Jones to discuss the PM's trip to Australia, the Pacific Islands Forum, Supermarkets and Te Matatini.
Party People Season 2 BANNER

26th July 2022

Season 2 / Episode 18
Party People is joined by former New Zealand First MP Jenny Marcroft to discuss the passing of Ricky Houghton, the Green's leadership challenge, the Auckland Mayoralty race and the big news in New Zealand First.
Party People Season 2 BANNER

9th August 2022

Season 2 / Episode 19
Mihingarangi and Shane are joined by former National MP Paul Quinn to discuss the Sam Uffindell controversy, the National Party conference, the latest polls and the latest policies.
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23rd August 2022

Season 2 / Episode 20
Mihingarangi and Shane are joined by former NZ First MP Shane Jones to discuss the latest parliamentary protest, the expulsion of Gaurav Sharma, co-governance and inflation.
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6th September 2022

Season 2 / Episode 21
Shane Jones joins Party People to discuss the latest poll results, the two biggest mayoral races, Oranga Tamariki, Kiwi Saver and Tame Iti's latest work.
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20th September 2022

Season 2 / Episode 22
We pay homage to the late Maanu Paul, Shane Jones and Shane Te Pou discuss the handling of the Sam Uffindell report, the Auckland Mayoralty and whether Kiwi Build is delivering for Māori.
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4th October 2022

Season 2 / Episode 23
Shane Jones joins Mihingarangi Forbes and Shane Te Pou to discuss the inquiries into Nanaia Mahuta's conflicts of interest, the uproar over Kelvin Davis' comments to Karen Chhour and the political stories of the week.
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18th October 2022

Season 2 / Episode 24
Mihingarangi is joined by Tau Henare and newly elected Whau Ward councillor Kerrin Leoni to discuss local government and the latest political news.
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1st November 2022

Season 2 / Episode 25
In the final episode of 2022, former Māori Party co-leader Marama Fox joins Mihingarangi and Shane to discuss the latest in politics.
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