Party People

Rowdier than the debating chamber at question time, Party People places a Māori lens on politics, politicians and their parties.

Presented by Mihingarangi Forbes, Shane Te Pou and Tau Henare

The Māori flag flies over a black and white parliament grounds. Text reads "Party People"

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Podcast details.


Mihingarangi Forbes


Shane Te Pou


Tau Henare

Annabelle Lee-Mather
Mary-Louise Raela
Production, Season 2
Rory Drew
Audio Engineer
Tesi Moimoi-Naufahu
Audio Engineer
Blair Stagpoole
Audio Engineer
Rangi Powick
Audio Engineer
Shannon Haunui-Thompson
Kurahautū Māori
Tim Burnell
Commissioning Manager
Megan Whelan
Head of Content, RNZ

Season 2 made with the support of the

Logo reads "Public Interest Journalism sundered through NZ On Air"

Produced for RNZ by

Logo reads "Aotearoa Media Collective"

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