Party People

Rowdier than the debating chamber at question time, Party People places a Māori lens on politics, politicians and their parties.

Presented by Mihingarangi Forbes, Shane Te Pou and Tau Henare

The Māori flag flies over a black and white parliament grounds. Text reads "Party People"

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All episodes:

Te Tūru o te Wiki - Tāmaki Makaurau - 13th September 2020

Season 1 / Episode 1
It's been called the Covid Election - delayed by coronavirus, with the country fighting a deadly pandemic, making radical changes to how we live our lives, adjusting our tikanga on the fly to cope to keep our whānau safe - so what impact with the pandemic have on how we vote?
Party People - Shane Te Pou, Mihingaarangi Forbes & Tau Henare

Te Tūru o te Wiki - Te Tai Tokerau - 20th September 2020

Season 1 / Episode 2
Ko te wiki o te reo Māori - it's Māori language week - our Party People discuss how important reo Māori is to their whānau, and the government's responsibility for, and role in, the revitalisation of te reo. And they give their predictions for the Te Tai Tokerau electorate. Tune in to hear Mihi, Shane and Tau's reckons.
Party People - Shane Te Pou, Mihingaarangi Forbes & Tau Henare

Debates and Te Turu o te Wiki - Waiariki and Ikaroa Rāwhiti

Season 1 / Episode 3
Election campaigning is now in full swing, our Party People tell us who they thought did well in the political debates this week, including who they think won when Jacinda and Judith went head to head.
Party People - Shane Te Pou, Mihingaarangi Forbes & Tau Henare

Debates, Polls, Te Tūru o te Wiki - Te Tai Tonga

Season 1 / Episode 4
Te Tai Tonga is Aotearoa's biggest electorate, it spans several islands, Te Wai Pounamu, Rēkohu and Wharekauri, with a side order of Wellington and a chunk of Lower Hutt.
Party People - Shane Te Pou, Mihingaarangi Forbes & Tau Henare

Ngā Tūru o te Wiki - Māori Standing in General Seats

Season 1 / Episode 5
It's the final week before voting closes - Our Party People look at Māori candidates who aren't standing in the seven Māori seats, there are a range of clever and competent Māori candidates running across the country, but who is most likely to end up with the voters' endorsement and a ticket to Pōneke?
Party People - Shane Te Pou, Mihingaarangi Forbes & Tau Henare

Ngā Matapae - Final Predictions

Season 1 / Episode 6
Our Haati Paati People - Shane Te Pou and Tau Henare, join Mihi Forbes and give us some great Māori political insights in the run up to the election and finally we're here! What are their final predictions?
Party People - Shane Te Pou, Mihingaarangi Forbes & Tau Henare

Te Whakatau - The People Have Spoken

Season 1 / Episode 7
Our Haati Paati People - Shane Te Pou and Tau Henare, join Mihi Forbes to discuss the election results, some were hotter than Pohutu geyser in Rotorua!
Party People - Shane Te Pou, Mihingaarangi Forbes & Tau Henare

Introducing: Party People

Political battle lines have been drawn, former MP Tau Henare and political commentator Shane Te Pou have dug in for the campaign.
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