The Secret Life Of...

Celebrating the music industry people who work backstage or behind the glass. The tireless support crew, instrument makers, music teachers, and composers for big and small screens.

Produced by RNZ Music

Text reads "The Secret Life Of..." on a blue background, with an image of a person's back and the word "Crew" in bold on their black t-shirt as they watch an out of focus band performance on stage.

RNZ exclusive

This podcast is only available on the RNZ website and apps, ad‑free and uninterrupted.

Birth Music

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Emma Smith talks to people who see colours, feel textures and tastes when they hear sound in The Secret Life of Synaesthetes.

Aotearoa Juggalos

In The Secret Life of Aotearoa Juggalos, Sophie Wilson and Tony Stamp talk to diehard Kiwi fans of shock-rap duo, Insane Clown Posse, and discover how therapeutic horror-comedy drives one of the world's most unique music subcultures today.

Musical Injuries

Now you wouldn't often associate exercise and sport with music. But in this week's Secret Life of Musical Injuries Yadana Saw learns that warming up, stretching, coordination and exercise are key when avoiding injury onstage or offstage in any genre of music.

Track Listing

In The Secret Life of Track Listing, Melody Thomas talks to the artists who agonise over song order so that you don't have to, and the critics who've heard it go both ways.

Band Names

Sam Scott explores the world of band names and pseudonyms, picking the brains of artists from gender-queer hip hop sensation Randa to rock icons Shihad (formerly known as Pacifier), to see how other people fret over what to call themselves.

Stolen Instruments

The relationship between a musician and their instrument is intimate, to the point where it is often described as an extension of their own bodies. Zac Arnold finds out what happens when that bond is broken and the instrument is stolen.

Music Collectors

Do you have a loved one who only wears band T-shirts? Maybe they listen exclusively to live bootlegs? Or are hiding a a stash of gig posters in their wardrobe alongside their clothes? In the Secret Life of Collectors, Zac Arnold talks to a series of obsessive collectors and investigates why just listening to music just isn't enough for some music fans.

Music Teachers 2

Melody Thomas - herself a one-time ukulele teacher - speaks to music teachers, students and musicians about what it takes to be a good music teacher, and a good student.

Music Therapists

Even before birth we are attuned to the tone and rhythm of our mother's heartbeat and voice. Music and sound can move us in profound ways and it's a language anyone can speak. From toddlers with special needs to people overcoming eating disorders, even palliative care patients, music is a powerful medicine.

Karaoke Culture

Opening one's hearts and lungs - not to mention humiliating oneself in public - isn't something that comes naturally to the humble New Zealander. But when faced with a backing track and a microphone, some find the urge to do so becomes irresistible. Aptly, the Japanese word 'karaoke' translates as 'empty orchestra' and in its homeland and throughout Asia is a talent show for amateurs. In New Zealand it seems talent is no prerequisite.


Music 101's Zac Arnold investigates how Karaoke has weaved its way from Japan into all corners of the globe, delving into the psychology of why we perform in front of each other, and takes to the private booths to sing his heart out.

Love Songs

Why are good love songs so difficult to write? Is there such a thing as a pure, untainted love song that won't leave some cringing? Or is Nick Cave right when he says, "A love song is never truly happy. It must first embrace the potential for pain?" This Valentine's Day, Anthonie Tonnon talks with Tami Neilson, Tom Scott, Anika Moa and Great North's Hayden Donnell about committing love to tape.
Tami Neilson