The Secret Life Of...

Celebrating the music industry people who work backstage or behind the glass. The tireless support crew, instrument makers, music teachers, and composers for big and small screens.

Produced by RNZ Music

Text reads "The Secret Life Of..." on a blue background, with an image of a person's back and the word "Crew" in bold on their black t-shirt as they watch an out of focus band performance on stage.

RNZ exclusive

This podcast is only available on the RNZ website and apps, ad‑free and uninterrupted.

Birth Music

All episodes:

Birth Music

In the Secret Life Of Birth Music, Yadana Saw meets the mums and midwifes, doctors and dads who push play on the soundtrack that greets the newly arrived.
Birth Music

Music Archives

Ever wondered what happened to those records of your Grandmas that your mum told you to look after? Apparently Samuel Scott has, and that is just one of the many reasons he went in search of the great New Zealand music archive.
The Radioactive Tape Collection At The National Library

Lighting Techs

In this episode of Secret Life, Tony Stamp delves into the world of lighting technicians, designers, and video operators.
Lighting technician Kim Newall and Tony Stamp

Gig Etiquette

With the help of door people, security guards, musicians and gig lovers - Melody Thomas explores the Secret Life of Gig Etiquette.
Audience at Laneway Festival 2015